Announcements, technology deep dives, and news relevant to emergency services.

New shortcuts for Oxford’s Emergency Services
Bollards are being replaced with ANPR cameras in Oxford’s Low Traffic Neighbhourhoods, enabling shortcuts for emergency response.

New shortcuts for Oxford’s Emergency Services
Bollards are being replaced with ANPR cameras in Oxford’s Low Traffic Neighbhourhoods, enabling shortcuts for emergency response.

Bus Gates: The impact on emergency services
In the last year 17 towns and cities across the UK have introduced additional bus gates. What’s the impact on emergency response?

Inexperience within the police service
The day-to-day effectiveness and efficiency of a police service depends on the experience and expertise of its officers. The England and Wales police workforce has

Avoid bumps in the road: Enhance patient care with smart navigation
Recovery from a medical emergency can be a bumpy ride. That doesn’t mean the journey to the hospital has to be one too. While EMS