Map Downloads & Updates


Types of Map

As all of our routing calculations take place offline, having the relevant maps downloaded is vital.
well as regional maps, we have 'World' and 'WorldCoasts' maps, which are included in your initial app download. These
are high level maps that contain some basic data on large cities, motorways and

Downloading Maps

When you first install Blue Light Maps, you'll be prompted to download map data for the region you're currently in. If you start to browse the map while zoomed in through areas that you don't have downloaded, the app will download the extra areas automatically.
If you try to navigate to an area where you don't have maps downloaded, you'll be prompted to download the relevant region(s). In most cases, you will be unable to calculate a route or start navigation until this download has completed.
You can also download maps in advance from the app's main menu (bottom right icon).
We strongly recommend that map downloads are not stored on SD Cards, as the latency in accessing the storage can slow down the application on some devices.
Similarly, we recommend only downloading maps for areas/countries you are likely to need.


Updating Maps

We provide updated Maps for our supported countries every month.
If you are using outdated maps, you'll see an in-app notification on the menu button indicating that updates are available, as shown below.
It's important to update maps frequently. We also strongly recommend ensuring you have auto-updates enabled for your phones apps in the App Store / Play Store, as we regularly release updates.

Entering the 'Download Maps' menu will show you all the maps you have installed, and allow you to download newer versions if they're available.
The yellow icon indicates which maps or categories have updates. Tapping it will update any maps you already have installed to the latest version.

What are your feelings
Updated on January 3, 2025